TEAMMATES’ “Whatever it Takes” Approach
Employing nontraditional approaches to help youth and their family to succeed
The “Whatever it Takes” nontraditional approaches include:- Consumer Voice, Choice, and Access — Youth and family are full and active partners at every level and every activity of the service process.
- Youth and Family Team — Children/youth, family, natural supports, program staff, and public agency representatives together develop and implement services.
- Community-Based Services — Services are provided in home, school, and community settings accessible to clients and families.
- Cultural Competence — The service process builds on the unique values, strengths, preferences and needs of children, families, and their communities.
- Individualized and Strength-Based — Services are tailored to the individual client and their family and build from their strengths in order to achieve success.
- Natural Supports — There is unconditional commitment to serve each child and family and not give up in the face of obstacles and setbacks.
- Collaboration — Plans of care are developed and implemented with full interagency, provider, community and family/child participation.
- Flexible Resources — The service approach is designed to draw flexibly from all available resources to meet child and family needs.
- Outcome–Based Services — Outcomes are measured for the system, program and the individual child/family — all of which are used to refine and improve services.