Stars Training Academy

The Stars trainers have brought a unique skill set that includes personal experience in the field…Trainings have proven to be very interactive and engaging… Trainers have done an excellent job in tailoring each training to be site specific.” Bradley F. Grigg, MA Children’s Behavioral Health Specialist, State of Alaska
Our agency, our staff, and our clients truly benefited from the training…the TIP Model helped our agency increase positive outcomes and helped our young adults become selfsufficient…Stars consists of brilliant training facilitators who are also very motivating, diligent and supportive.” Joana A. Pavo, LMFT, Team Leader Transition Age Youth Program, Mental Health America, Los Angeles, California
Customized training for mental health professionals and organizations
Our goal is to assist and improve how state and county systems of care and community-based organizations implement, deliver, and sustain clinical practices. Our services include consultation on training needs and we specialize in Transitional Age Youth (TAY) related services. Our trainings include Evidence-Based Practices (EBPs) and other clinical care topics. For EBPs, our training activities are designed to ensure that participants have the knowledge and skills necessary to meet the EBP’s implementation and fidelity standards. Our highly qualified trainers can train staff, conduct agency-wide programs, and/or consult and develop programs for single agencies, collaboratives, and multi-agency systems. We specialize in customizing clinical training series for departments of mental health, social service, probation, and special education. Our large-scale training programs include developing implementation plans and formulating organizational strategies to ensure practice fidelity, monitoring quality assurance, and measuring outcomes.
Evidence Based and Promising Practices Trainings
Transition to Independence Process (TIP) Model TIP
An evidence-supported “Promising Practice” developed by Dr. Hewitt “Rusty” Clark, that addresses the unique needs of young adults (14-25 years old) with emotional and behavioral difficulties (EBD). The goal of TIP is to engage young people in their own futures planning process by providing them with developmentally appropriate, non-stigmatizing, culturally competent, and appealing services and supports. Stars Training Academy offers a range of training, technical support, and consultation services designed to build agency and government capacity to implement the TIP Model in their systems of care. Click here to learn more about the TIP Model at Stars Training Academy.
Aggression Replacement Training®
Aggression Replacement Training is a research-based, multi-component cognitive-behavioral treatment to promote pro-social behavior by addressing factors that contribute to aggression in children and adolescents. Aggression Replacement Training curriculum has consistently shown positive outcomes including:
- Reduced criminal behavior
- Decreased conduct problem behaviors
- Increased pro-social behaviors
- Improved anger control
A multimodal psycho-educational intervention designed to improve social skill competence, anger control, moral reasoning and mutual self-help of chronically aggressive adolescents and young children ages 12 to 25.
SPARCS (Structured Psychotherapy for Adolescents Responding to Chronic Stress)
A group intervention targeting chronically traumatized adolescents ages 8 to 18; SPARCS incorporates DBT Mindfulness, Social Skillbuilding, and Coping strategies.
Motivational Interviewing
An effective technique for clients with alcohol and other drug abuse diagnoses.
Other Trainings and Consultation
Transitional Age Youth (TAY) Trainings and Consultation
- TAY & Trauma
- TAY Tool Kit
- TAY and COD
- Optimizing TAY Services in Systems of Care
Community Safety Intervention Trainings
Multi-Disciplinary Teaming
Engagement, Collaboration, Communication, and Cultural Competency
Law & Ethics
Learn more at www.starstrainingacademy.com
Contact Info
Stars Training Academy
Stars Behavioral Health Group
1501 Hughes Way
Long Beach, CA 90810-1870
Joseph Solomita, LCSW
Director of Clinical Training
Phone: (310) 221-6336 ext 109
E-mail me